

Video: GISSV SF Campus (old location in the Presidio)

GISSV's Dual-Immersion Concept for Effortless Language Acquisition in German and English.

Our dual-immersion concept is designed for the needs of international students, 不管在家里说什么语言. It offers children an effortless, 自然 language acquisition in both German and English. 在GISSV, both languages are used for social as well as academic communication.

适合Kibili(学前班和幼儿园)儿童, language learning happens in a playful and multi-sensory way. Each Kibili class has one German and one English teacher, both of whom stick to one language while with the group. This immersive approach allows for easy and 自然 language acquisition at an early age.

Depending on the child's ability in both German and English, GISSV offers special programs at all grade levels that support language acquisition and fluency. While we welcome children in our Kibili program with no prior knowledge of German, we recommend its acquisition as early as possible.

在小学及以上, admission decisions are made individually based upon language assessments. In grades 1 and 2, German is the primary language of instruction. 对英语, the emphasis is initially on oral language acquisition and comprehension, with more formal instruction and subject areas added as students progress through the grades. Upon high school entry, the distribution of classes taught in German and English is again 50/50.



For students entering GISSV in grades 5 and 6 - with advanced oral skills or Level A2 language skills - we offer our 德国快速通道项目.



